Perishable packages ship Mondays-Thursdays ONLY.
Stock your pantry or give a great gift!
1/2 dozen Mamaleh's Hand-Rolled Bagels (2 plain, 2 sesame, 2 everything)
1/2 dozen Mamaleh's Pumpernickel Bagels
1/2 pint plain cream cheese
1/2 pint scallion cream cheese
Perfect for: a pantry re-stock, a gift for new neighbors, a house-warming.
*All items are packed with ice packs into a well insulated shipping bag within a box.
Shipping included in price.
At Mamaleh's, we take allergens seriously, but are not an allergen-free facility. Our kitchens handle nuts, wheat, fish, sesame, eggs, and milk. Please inform us of any allergies when ordering, and note that cross-contamination may occur.